Mesin Paving dan Batako Type H-612NE - Mesin Paving Block ini kami produksi dengan penuh ketelitian dan tidak seperti mesin paving blok pada umumnya, karena sudah mengalami perbaikan dan inovasi dari para tenaga ahli kami. diantaranya adalah mesin ini dilengkapi transfer palet dan exit conveyor, sehingga operator tidak perlu memasukkan palet secara manual, tapi cukup menggerakkan handle. begitu juga hasil cetakan akan bergerak sendiri ke tempatnya secara otomatis.
Kami mengundang para konsumen ke Bengkel kami untuk mencoba, bahwa kami menjual mesin paving berbeda dengan yang lain, tidak hanya sekedar membuat paving K300-K500, tapi betul-betul mesin paving block yang sangat efisien, mudah dioperasikan dan mempunyai kapasitas produksi yang besar.
Spesifikasi Teknis Mesin Paving :
Body Mild Steel UNP 150
Vibrator bawah 2 unit, electromotor 2 x 7,5 HP
Vibrator atas dipakai pada bagian tumbuk 1 unit, electric vibrator 2 HP
Oil Pump, electromotor 5,5 HP
Pallet elevator, electromotor 2 HP + Gear Box
Chain out put conveyor panjang 4 m, lebar 60 cm, electromotor 1,5 HP + Mnrv
Belt Conveyor panjang 6 m, lebar 50 cm, electromotor 2 HP
Mixer Diameter 150 cm, kapasitas aduk 650 kg, electromotor 10 HP
Panel kontrol 1 unit
Sistem pengoperasian mesin paving :
Handle valve kontrol 4 tuas
Kebututhan Listrik mesin paving :
38 HP, 3 phase ( 380 volt )
Perlengkapan tambahan :
Pallet multiplek ukuran 75 cm x 60 cm x 4 cm
Tambahan matras beberapa type/motif paving ( bila diperlukan )
Hand Pallet kapasitas 2 ton, 2 unit ( bila diperlukan )
Kebutuhan tenaga kerja :
Operator mesin 1 orang
Pembantu 2 orang ( ditempatkan di bagian mixer pengaduk )
Pembantu 2 orang ( ditempatkan di bagian pengambilam hasil dan penjemuran + penyiapan dan pengisian pallet multiplek )
Kapasitas Produksi :
Pembuatan Paving bata ukuran 21cm x 10,5cm x 8cm sekali cetak keluar 12 buah, jadi dalam satu hari kerja ( 8 jam ) menghasilkan = 12 buah x 1000 pallet = 12.000 buah
Pembuatan Batako ukuran 40 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm sekali cetak keluar 6 buah, jadi dalam satu hari kerja ( 8 jam ) menghasilkan = 6 buah x 1000 pallet = 6.000 buah
Masing-masing type/motif cetakan akan memiliki kapasitas hasil produksi cetak yang berbeda sesuai jenis material, keahlian tenaga kerja produksi,dan lain-lain
Ukuran Mesin :
Panjang 2,5 m. Lebar 1,2 m. Tinggi 2,6 m
Berat Mesin :
4,5 Ton ( Mesin H-612, Chain Out Put Conveyor, Belt Conveyor, Mixer, Oil Pump dan Panel Kontrol
Kapasitas Produksi :
1000 cycle / 8 jam kerja
Kekuatan hasil :
Paving K-500
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BEIJING (AP) — The head of Taiwan's Nationalists reaffirmed the party's support for eventual unification with the mainland when he met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of continuing rapprochement between the former bitter enemies.
Nationalist Party Chairman Eric Chu, a likely presidential candidate next year, also affirmed Taiwan's desire to join the proposed Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank during the meeting in Beijing. China claims Taiwan as its own territory and doesn't want the island to join using a name that might imply it is an independent country.
Chu's comments during his meeting with Xi were carried live on Hong Kong-based broadcaster Phoenix Television.
The Nationalists were driven to Taiwan by Mao Zedong's Communists during the Chinese civil war in 1949, leading to decades of hostility between the sides. Chu, who took over as party leader in January, is the third Nationalist chairman to visit the mainland and the first since 2009.
Relations between the communist-ruled mainland and the self-governing democratic island of Taiwan began to warm in the 1990s, partly out of their common opposition to Taiwan's formal independence from China, a position advocated by the island's Democratic Progressive Party.
Despite increasingly close economic ties, the prospect of political unification has grown increasingly unpopular on Taiwan, especially with younger voters. Opposition to the Nationalists' pro-China policies was seen as a driver behind heavy local electoral defeats for the party last year that led to Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou resigning as party chairman.
Taiwan party leader affirms eventual reunion with China