Solusi tepat dan ampuh untuk melangsingkan badan melalui metode obat herbal sebagai Cara Melangsingkan Badan Secara Tradisional yang alami tanpa efek samping dengan Obat Slimming Capsule. Terbuat dari bahan alami yang aman untuk dikonsumsi. Simak tips melansingkan badan.

Inilah 10 jenis makanan yang dapat membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan.

    1. Daging sapi : Bertolak belakang dengan persepsi populer, menyantap steak daging sapi juga ternyata dapat menurunkan berat Anda. Riset yang dipublikasikan The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition menyebutkan, wanita yang dalam dietnya menyertakan daging merah mencatat penurunan berat lebih banyak ketimbang mereka yang menyantap jumlah kalori sama dengan sedikit daging sapi . Kandungan protein dalam steak, kata peneliti, juag dapat mempertahankan masa otot selama program penurunan berat badan .

    2. Telur : Telur tidak akan merusak jantung Anda, tetapi justru membantu Anda lebih langsing beberap ainci. Riset para ahli di Louisiana State University Baton Rouge menunjukkan, wanita yang menjalani diet rendah kalori dan menyantap telur, roti dan jelly tiap pagi kehilangan berat dua kali lebih banyak ketimbang mereka yang sarapan bagel dengan jumlah kalori sama tapi tanpa telur. Menurut peneliti, telur membuat kenyang, sehingga Anda makan lebih sedikit.

    3. Oat : Oatmeal telah menempati peringkat teratas dalam hal mengenyangkan di antara makanan lain. Tidak sperti kebanyakan karbohidrat, oat—bahkan yang berjenis instan sekalipun —akan dicerna dengan lambat. Jadi, makanan ini berpengaruh kecil pada gula darah.

    4. Kacang lentil : Lentil adalah makanan terbaik untuk merampingkan perut. “Mereka tinggi akan protein dan serat larut, dua nutrien yang dapat menstabilkan kadar gula darah,” kata Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D., penulis The F-Factor Diet (Putnam Adult). Mengonsumsi lentil dapat mencegah lonjakan insulin yang membuat tubuh Anda membentuk lemak, terutama di area perut.”

    5. Apel : Sebuah apel sehari dapat mencegah terjadinya penambahan berat, demikian riset para ilmuwan di Penn State University. Mereka yang makan sebuah apel sebelum menyantap pasta tercatat mengonsumsi sedikit kalori dibanding mereka yang menyantap kudapan lain. Apel memiliki kandungan serat yang tinggi —4 sampai 5 gram—yang membuat perut jadi kenyang. Hebatnya lagi, antioksidan pada apel dapat mencegah sindrom metabolik, yang ditandai dengan penumpukan lemak di lingkar perut

    6. cara melangsingkan badan secara tradisionalCabai : Cabai bisa meningkatkan metabolisme. Zat yang terkandung dalam cabai yang disebut capsaicin mempunyai efek thermogenic, yakni membuat tubuh membakar ekstra kalori selama 20 menit setelah menyantap cabai. Selain itu, Anda tak lagi bisa menyantap hidangan dalam sekejap. Makan dengan lambat membuat otak Anda merekam bahwa perut Anda kenyang. Jadi Anda tidak akan makan secara berlebihan.

    7. Yogurt : Pelaku diet menyebut plain yogurt sebagai makanan sempurna. Dengan kombinasi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak, yogurt dapat menekan rasa lapar dengan menjaga kadar gula darah tetap stabil. Studi para ahli di University of Tennessee, menyatakan mereka yang menjalani diet rendah kalori dengan menambah yogurt mengalami penurunan lemak total 61 persen lebih besar dan 81 persen lemak perut ketimbang mereka yang diet tanpa yogurt.

    8. Parmesan : Wanita yang minum whole milk atau makan keju setiap hari cenderung tidak terlalu mengalami penambahan berat badan, menurut studi yang dimuat The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Penggemar lowfat-dairy justru tidak memperoleh manfaat yang sama. Produk whole milk memiliki asam linoleat terkonjugasi, yang dapat membantu tubuh Anda membakar lemak.

    9. Alpukat : Jangan biarkan kandungan lemak dalam sebuah alpukat (29 gram) membuat Anda cemas. Justru itulah yang membuat makanan ini menjadi penurun berat terbaik. Kandungan lemak tak jenuh tunggal (monounsaturated) yang terkandung di dalamnya dapat meningkatkan rasa kenyang.

    10. Olive oil : Seperti halnya alpukat, olive oil memiliki kandungan lemak yang meningkatkan rasa kenyang, dan menghentikan selera makan. Riset juga menunjukkan olive oil berkhasiat sebagai anti radang.

Itulah tips cara melangsingkan badan secara tradisional ada yang lebih bagus untuk melangsingkan dengan cepat aman dan tidak ada efek samping yaitu dengan Obat Slimming Capsule.


Though Robin and Joan Rolfs owned two rare talking dolls manufactured by Thomas Edison’s phonograph company in 1890, they did not dare play the wax cylinder records tucked inside each one.

The Rolfses, longtime collectors of Edison phonographs, knew that if they turned the cranks on the dolls’ backs, the steel phonograph needle might damage or destroy the grooves of the hollow, ring-shaped cylinder. And so for years, the dolls sat side by side inside a display cabinet, bearers of a message from the dawn of sound recording that nobody could hear.

In 1890, Edison’s dolls were a flop; production lasted only six weeks. Children found them difficult to operate and more scary than cuddly. The recordings inside, which featured snippets of nursery rhymes, wore out quickly.

Yet sound historians say the cylinders were the first entertainment records ever made, and the young girls hired to recite the rhymes were the world’s first recording artists.

Year after year, the Rolfses asked experts if there might be a safe way to play the recordings. Then a government laboratory developed a method to play fragile records without touching them.


The technique relies on a microscope to create images of the grooves in exquisite detail. A computer approximates — with great accuracy — the sounds that would have been created by a needle moving through those grooves.

In 2014, the technology was made available for the first time outside the laboratory.

“The fear all along is that we don’t want to damage these records. We don’t want to put a stylus on them,” said Jerry Fabris, the curator of the Thomas Edison Historical Park in West Orange, N.J. “Now we have the technology to play them safely.”

Last month, the Historical Park posted online three never-before-heard Edison doll recordings, including the two from the Rolfses’ collection. “There are probably more out there, and we’re hoping people will now get them digitized,” Mr. Fabris said.

The technology, which is known as Irene (Image, Reconstruct, Erase Noise, Etc.), was developed by the particle physicist Carl Haber and the engineer Earl Cornell at Lawrence Berkeley. Irene extracts sound from cylinder and disk records. It can also reconstruct audio from recordings so badly damaged they were deemed unplayable.

“We are now hearing sounds from history that I did not expect to hear in my lifetime,” Mr. Fabris said.

The Rolfses said they were not sure what to expect in August when they carefully packed their two Edison doll cylinders, still attached to their motors, and drove from their home in Hortonville, Wis., to the National Document Conservation Center in Andover, Mass. The center had recently acquired Irene technology.


Cylinders carry sound in a spiral groove cut by a phonograph recording needle that vibrates up and down, creating a surface made of tiny hills and valleys. In the Irene set-up, a microscope perched above the shaft takes thousands of high-resolution images of small sections of the grooves.

Stitched together, the images provide a topographic map of the cylinder’s surface, charting changes in depth as small as one five-hundredth the thickness of a human hair. Pitch, volume and timbre are all encoded in the hills and valleys and the speed at which the record is played.

At the conservation center, the preservation specialist Mason Vander Lugt attached one of the cylinders to the end of a rotating shaft. Huddled around a computer screen, the Rolfses first saw the wiggly waveform generated by Irene. Then came the digital audio. The words were at first indistinct, but as Mr. Lugt filtered out more of the noise, the rhyme became clearer.

“That was the Eureka moment,” Mr. Rolfs said.

In 1890, a girl in Edison’s laboratory had recited:

There was a little girl,

And she had a little curl


Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

She was very, very good.

But when she was bad, she was horrid.

Recently, the conservation center turned up another surprise.

In 2010, the Woody Guthrie Foundation received 18 oversize phonograph disks from an anonymous donor. No one knew if any of the dirt-stained recordings featured Guthrie, but Tiffany Colannino, then the foundation’s archivist, had stored them unplayed until she heard about Irene.

Last fall, the center extracted audio from one of the records, labeled “Jam Session 9” and emailed the digital file to Ms. Colannino.

“I was just sitting in my dining room, and the next thing I know, I’m hearing Woody,” she said. In between solo performances of “Ladies Auxiliary,” “Jesus Christ,” and “Dead or Alive,” Guthrie tells jokes, offers some back story, and makes the audience laugh. “It is quintessential Guthrie,” Ms. Colannino said.

The Rolfses’ dolls are back in the display cabinet in Wisconsin. But with audio stored on several computers, they now have a permanent voice.

Ghostly Voices From Thomas Edison’s Dolls Can Now Be Heard

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