- Hilangnya pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 saat mengudara di atas Laut China Selatan mengejutkan banyak pihak. Pesawat yang tengah melakukan penerbangan menuju Beijing, China ini tak pernah sampai ke tempat tujuan.
Tujuh negara di dunia lantas ikut memberi bantuan, berbagai armada kapal perang maupun pesawat militer pun ikut dikerahkan. Namun, sejak dikabarkan menghilang pada Minggu (9/2) lalu, tim SAR belum berhasil menemukan tanda-tanda jatuhnya pesawat itu.
Ternyata, proses pencarian itu tak hanya melibatkan tim SAR yang dikerahkan dari tujuh negara. Seorang dukun terkenal asal Malaysia pun ikut melibatkan diri dalam pencarian tersebut.
Adalah Ibrahim Mat Zin, pria berusia 80 tahun. Lengkap dengan jas dan dasi warna merah melakukan ritual di pintu masuk ruang VIP Bandara Internasional Kuala Lumpur (KLIA). Pemandangan ini menjadi perhatian setiap orang dan calon penumpang yang berada di dalam bandara. Sejumlah media setempat pun ikut meliput.
Bermodalkan bambu dan replika pesawat yang terbuat dari rotan, Ibrahim lantas melakukan ritual singkat. Melalui teropong bambu, dia menyatakan pesawat itu terjebak di alam gaib.
"Saya tidak dapat menjelaskan secara terperinci soal keselamatan mereka (penumpang), tetapi percaya pesawat itu mungkin berada antara dua alam atau disembunyikan di alam gaib," kata dia.
Lalu siapakah Ibrahim Mat Zin?
Penelusuran, Ibrahim memiliki gelar Datok Mahaguru. Tak hanya itu, ia juga menyandang gelar Raja Dukun di Malaysia.
Raja dukun ini mengklaim telah berpengalaman 50 tahun di dunia gaib. Namanya mulai dikenal masyarakat Malaysia ketika menawarkan bantuan pencarian korban pada sejumlah kasus besar, di antaranya runtuhnya Highland Tower, banjir Kuala Dipang dan kasus pembunuhan pakar politik yang melibatkan Mona Fendy.
Melalui aku facebook miliknya, Ibrahim mengaku mendapatkan keahliannya dari sebuah ritual khusus saat masih berusia 10 tahun, yakni melalui tujuh ujian berat.
Cara pertama yang dilakukannya adalah melakukan pertapaan selama 100 hari. Selama pertapaan itu, dia diwajibkan memakan jagung sehari sepotong serta seteguk air zam-zam yang keluar dari dalam gua.
Selama pertapaannya, Ibrahim mendapat tujuh godaan, yakni munculnya berbagai binatang, seperti katak, ular, kalajengking, beruang, harimau dan naga. Selama pertapaannya, sempat muncul sesosok perempuan cantik yang sedang menikmati masakan lezat.
"Kalau (ikut) makan, batal pertapaan itu," tulis Ibrahim.
Tak hanya memperkenalkan diri melalui Facebook, Ibrahim juga rajin membuat video tentang dirinya sendiri. Video tersebut diunggahnya di situs berbagi Youtube.
Salah satu videonya yang berjudul 'Jasa & Bakti Raja Bomoh Kepada Negara Malaysia' itu, Ibrahim mengaku sudah berbakti pada negerinya sejak 1949. Dia mengklaim ramalannya soal kemenangan Barisan Nasional pada pemilu di Malaysia terbukti.
Editor : Maulana Lee
Sumber :
Ini sosok Ibrahim Mat Zin, raja dukun di Malaysia yang sakti
Hockey is not exactly known as a city game, but played on roller skates, it once held sway as the sport of choice in many New York neighborhoods.
“City kids had no rinks, no ice, but they would do anything to play hockey,” said Edward Moffett, former director of the Long Island City Y.M.C.A. Roller Hockey League, in Queens, whose games were played in city playgrounds going back to the 1940s.
From the 1960s through the 1980s, the league had more than 60 teams, he said. Players included the Mullen brothers of Hell’s Kitchen and Dan Dorion of Astoria, Queens, who would later play on ice for the National Hockey League.
One street legend from the heyday of New York roller hockey was Craig Allen, who lived in the Woodside Houses projects and became one of the city’s hardest hitters and top scorers.
“Craig was a warrior, one of the best roller hockey players in the city in the ’70s,” said Dave Garmendia, 60, a retired New York police officer who grew up playing with Mr. Allen. “His teammates loved him and his opponents feared him.”
Young Craig took up hockey on the streets of Queens in the 1960s, playing pickup games between sewer covers, wearing steel-wheeled skates clamped onto school shoes and using a roll of electrical tape as the puck.
His skill and ferocity drew attention, Mr. Garmendia said, but so did his skin color. He was black, in a sport made up almost entirely by white players.
“Roller hockey was a white kid’s game, plain and simple, but Craig broke the color barrier,” Mr. Garmendia said. “We used to say Craig did more for race relations than the N.A.A.C.P.”
Mr. Allen went on to coach and referee roller hockey in New York before moving several years ago to South Carolina. But he continued to organize an annual alumni game at Dutch Kills Playground in Long Island City, the same site that held the local championship games.
The reunion this year was on Saturday, but Mr. Allen never made it. On April 26, just before boarding the bus to New York, he died of an asthma attack at age 61.
Word of his death spread rapidly among hundreds of his old hockey colleagues who resolved to continue with the event, now renamed the Craig Allen Memorial Roller Hockey Reunion.
The turnout on Saturday was the largest ever, with players pulling on their old equipment, choosing sides and taking once again to the rink of cracked blacktop with faded lines and circles. They wore no helmets, although one player wore a fedora.
Another, Vinnie Juliano, 77, of Long Island City, wore his hearing aids, along with his 50-year-old taped-up quads, or four-wheeled skates with a leather boot. Many players here never converted to in-line skates, and neither did Mr. Allen, whose photograph appeared on a poster hanging behind the players’ bench.
“I’m seeing people walking by wondering why all these rusty, grizzly old guys are here playing hockey,” one player, Tommy Dominguez, said. “We’re here for Craig, and let me tell you, these old guys still play hard.”
Everyone seemed to have a Craig Allen story, from his earliest teams at Public School 151 to the Bryant Rangers, the Woodside Wings, the Woodside Blues and more.
Mr. Allen, who became a yellow-cab driver, was always recruiting new talent. He gained the nickname Cabby for his habit of stopping at playgrounds all over the city to scout players.
Teams were organized around neighborhoods and churches, and often sponsored by local bars. Mr. Allen, for one, played for bars, including Garry Owen’s and on the Fiddler’s Green Jokers team in Inwood, Manhattan.
Play was tough and fights were frequent.
“We were basically street gangs on skates,” said Steve Rogg, 56, a mail clerk who grew up in Jackson Heights, Queens, and who on Saturday wore his Riedell Classic quads from 1972. “If another team caught up with you the night before a game, they tossed you a beating so you couldn’t play the next day.”
Mr. Garmendia said Mr. Allen’s skin color provoked many fights.
“When we’d go to some ignorant neighborhoods, a lot of players would use slurs,” Mr. Garmendia said, recalling a game in Ozone Park, Queens, where local fans parked motorcycles in a lineup next to the blacktop and taunted Mr. Allen. Mr. Garmendia said he checked a player into the motorcycles, “and the bikes went down like dominoes, which started a serious brawl.”
A group of fans at a game in Brooklyn once stuck a pole through the rink fence as Mr. Allen skated by and broke his jaw, Mr. Garmendia said, adding that carloads of reinforcements soon arrived to defend Mr. Allen.
And at another racially incited brawl, the police responded with six patrol cars and a helicopter.
Before play began on Saturday, the players gathered at center rink to honor Mr. Allen. Billy Barnwell, 59, of Woodside, recalled once how an all-white, all-star squad snubbed Mr. Allen by playing him third string. He scored seven goals in the first game and made first string immediately.
“He’d always hear racial stuff before the game, and I’d ask him, ‘How do you put up with that?’” Mr. Barnwell recalled. “Craig would say, ‘We’ll take care of it,’ and by the end of the game, he’d win guys over. They’d say, ‘This guy’s good.’”
Tribute for a Roller Hockey Warrior